Monday 29 February 2016



For the last week of the project I have set myself multiple targets to be achieved throughout the week;

  • To finish my model sheet by Wednesday
  • To have my 3D character complete by Thursday
  •  Also to complete the rigging, foot roll and walk cycle before Monday 
 From the last set of targets I set, I have managed to complete 2 of the 3, to learn more about Cinema 4D and to start my 3D character development, I have not yet completed my artist research due to prioritising work in the order of what else needs to be done.



At this very moment during the project i am finished the development and 'making of' stage and starting to finalise my model sheet as well as my 3D animation, i am currently arranging the model sheet and organising where the elements should be placed.

I have used tea stained paper and textures to create my background image for my modle sheet, which is the style of a wanted poster, i documented the process and anotated the steps.

Sunday 21 February 2016



So far in this project I have created my character for my characters model sheet and 3D animation, I am currently in the middle of developing the design digitally, by refining the 3 poses that are required for the model sheet and documenting the process along side. Currently I am planning and creating a draft for my contextual studies but I'm struggling with the annotating because my knowledge of an animations process. This is  a very quick reflection/update as I am currently working on multiple things at once so a quick update on my work will help with my progress and tracking of time.



At this point in the project, The 3 main targets that I am trying to achieve within a specific time would be;

  1. To complete Contextual Studies and my artist research in time.
  2. To learn more about Cinema 4D and expand my current knowledge of the software
  3. To start creating my 3D model of my character design.
Reaching these targets effectively and as quickly as i can would help to manage my time better and give me more time to annotate my development.