Saturday 26 December 2015




This module was called Principles of Animation; which required making a short loop animation, which had a specific theme; the theme being ‘Fortune’. To start off, I created a brainstorm for the theme of fortune and came up with multiple ideas for my animation, after a process of elimination I decided to use my strongest idea to take forward.

 A loop based on two people, one becoming good and the other bad, I then created rough thumbnails and storyboards. I started to look into the types of animation and the process of how they’re created to help get a sense of how I would create mine. I then looked at animators, illustrators and how their style gives them their own persona and recognition. 
With my refined ideas I developed them digitally using Adobe Illustrator, constantly changing the sizes, the line work, colour until I was happy with my character design. Once the individual frames were drawn and coloured I imported the designs into Photoshop where I used the ‘Motion’ setting to create a frame by frame animation. After a lot of problem solving and many errors that were then corrected, I created a successful walk cycle for my animation and imported this into after effects along with the background imagery where using the assistance of my tutor we did a lot of problem solving in making the timing of the walk and to get the background imagery to loop.

From the start and throughout the project my strengths were always my artwork skills, as well as my traditional and digital skills using programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator. I overcame many obstacles and was constantly on track and knew what needed to be done in order to get back on track. Barely scraping the surface of animation I’m still very new to this process and work, because of this I wasn’t aware of the time and effort that is needed to just the smallest of things, allowing me to not only loose track of time but to be too ambitious with my ideas. This was a huge learning curve, as I feel more prepared and ready for my next animation module.

Setting myself targets is a great way to help be prepared and to make sure I don’t encounter the same mistakes, my main target that I’m setting myself is to be more aware of time management and be more accurate with the time spent on each element, not only that but my knowledge of animation is still minimum, although I have learned so much his project I still have a lot to learn in future projects

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