Saturday 26 December 2015




This module was called Sequential Imaging; which required making 3 images, A3 or bigger of anything theme that was related to the main theme of ‘Time’. To start off, I created a brainstorm for the theme of time and came up with multiple ideas for my images, after a process of elimination I decided to use my strongest idea to take forward, 3 Images showing a fierce battle that happens during a Norse event, with my theme being ‘Ragnarok’. I then created rough thumbnails and storyboards.
 I started to look into multiple artists’ style, work and the process of how they’re created to help get a sense of how I would create mine. Creating mood boards to collect their images and show the common elements in all their work to realise what they use/do to get their style; which gives them their own persona and recognition.
With my refined ideas I developed them by tracing over each part using tracing paper and bit by bit I refined and added more detail. Once the individual designs were drawn I scanned the images and printed them again but on A3, doubling them individually in size so when they are shrink’d down the detail and line work will look fantastic.

After a lot of time, effort and hard work, I finished all parts of the 3 images on A2; scanned the images into photoshop I arranged the sizes and positioning of the images to get them in the right placement before I start to add colour or additional detail, I used a gradient map, we learned about these during our workshop sessions, it brightens the white and darkens the black by using a slider to adjust, removing any light colour from the page and just having thick bold black lines to work with, using a mixture of the paint brush and paint bucket I filled in all the areas that had to be black, once that was finished I then added the red but only to certain parts, in this case being only blood.
From the start and throughout the project my strengths were always my artwork skills, as well as my traditional and digital skills using programs such as Photoshop. I was very confident with this project as I knew the techniques and had the skills, most importantly I have knowledge of creating traditional artwork so I knew exactly how long each drawing would take and the effort that was required. What I would improve on is probably making sure something is finished before moving on; because of this I didn’t notice small mistake that had to be fixed until the last minute allowing the hand in to become stressful and a rush.
Setting myself targets is a great way to help be prepared and to make sure I don’t encounter the same mistakes, my main target that I’m setting myself is to be more aware of time management and be sure each piece is finished before moving onto something else, overall I enjoyed this project a lot, being good and interesting in illustration defiantly helped as well and I am looking forward to the next illustration project.


S - Strengths;

W - Weaknesses;

O - Opportunities;

T - Threats;

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