module was called Animation Production; which required making a 15 second
animation based around the theme of ‘circles’. To start off, I created a brainstorm
for the theme of circles and came up with multiple ideas for my images, after a
process of elimination I decided to use my strongest idea to take forward, after
a very short development I decided to change my idea to my weakest idea, I
wanted to expand my style and techniques. The idea was a chase through a
forest. I then created rough thumbnails and storyboards. I started to look into
multiple artists’ style, work and the process of how they’re created to help
get a sense of how I would create mine. Creating mood boards to collect their
images and show the common elements in all their work to realise what they
use/do, to get their style; which gives them their own persona and recognition.
With my refined ideas I developed them by tracing over the assets individually
in Illustrator, using a graphics tablet makes it much faster and the line work
is a lot smoother. After developing multiple trees, two characters and some
other assets for the background I inverted the colours, with the designs being
created in Illustrator, the artwork will be vectors instead of bitmaps, and
this allowed me to change the colours a lot quicker by selecting the whole
image and simply changing the colours with the pallet, I created an alpha
channel to allows the background to be clear when it was imported into Cinema
4D, with help from my tutor I created the basics of my animation the sky,
floor camera movement and path for the camera to follow. Bit by bit I added the
assets such as the trees in the background to cover the horizon, one the trees
and assets were placed I then added the two characters, the last one being
the start and throughout the project my strengths were always my artwork
skills, as well as my digital skills using programmes such as Photoshop and
Illustrator. I was very confident with this project even though my knowledge of
Cinema 4D was very little, I knew I would need a lot of assistance from my
tutors and that was a huge comfort as it helped me to learn more about Cinema
4D quickly. What I would improve on is probably making sure I know how
something can be done before making that part of my plan/idea.
I used InDesign to write my annotation for my digital work, I
noticed several spelling errors were made when I printed my work out. The
reason is that spellcheck is a manual option in InDesign therefore I was
unaware of any spelling errors due to not being notified on the screen. I
completely take the blame as I should have read my work before printing. The
work looks unprofessional and also quite embarrassing therefore I will
correct the mistakes and re-print the work.
myself targets is a great way to help be prepared and to make sure I don’t
encounter the same mistakes, my main target that I’m setting myself is to be
more aware of time management and be sure each piece is finished before moving
onto something else, overall I enjoyed this project a lot, being good and
interesting in animation defiantly helped as well and I am looking forward to
the next animation project, as well as the next illustration as the many
artists I have looked at, didn’t inspire me much as this project was based on
animations but I have a much wider range of styles and techniques to use in the
next project.
S - Strengths;
W - Weaknesses;
O - Opportunities;
T - Threats;
S - Strengths;
W - Weaknesses;
O - Opportunities;
T - Threats;