Friday 1 April 2016



This website, Pictures On Walls, is associated with a wide variety of artists, illustrators and companies., all that involve contemporary street artists. The three examples of work that I have chosen to annotate and analysis would be three completely different pieces of work from individual artists.

The first example is called Black Panther and consists of a design that has been screen printed onto a canvas. The image itself is a portrait of a man wearing a bandana with a panther's mouth. Personally I think the resemblance between the design and the title is very obvious as it has a very strong meaning or some sort of story to elaborate both the panther and the black gentleman. I'm not sure of the purpose of this design or if it encompasses a narrative, but I am ensuring that my illustration consists of a concept/story for people to relate with.

I love the style! Stencil art can consist of a very simple painting or a complex design consisting of multiple layers, with this illustration it only uses three colours, black, red and blue. I think the detail is great, with limited amount of colours the artist still captured the important detail such as the creases in the clothes and the light reflection. There's not much composition or layout with this design, as it is one element placed centered on a page. Just like my design, it consists of one element that will be placed in the centre of the page so there isn't much room for experimenting with the rule of thirds, fibonacci or the composition in general.

The second example that I chose from Pictures On Walls is an illustration created by 'Roll And Tumble' and is called 'You Are Here'. This design is quite simple to explain but I'd imagine each person would react differently with this design, with the theme being very bold and easily recognisable then each person would think/act differently. I'm not sure on this style, the design does not consist of any linework, it is all colour which contrast against each other. As much as I like this design I'm struggling to analysis the style and why it has been applied.

This was created using letterpress and lino cut, I'm not aware how this process is created or made but researching this illustration could help my knowledge or multiple medias and how they are applied, used and how effective they are compared to other medias. From this I will broaden my horizon on different medias that I could use in further projects. I would say that this was created with individual elements layout on top of each other, starting with the background then moving towards the midground and foreground, with each layer consisting of colours more bold than the colour behind, making the image stand out and look visually stimulating.

The last piece of artwork from Pictures On Walls is actually a handmade sculpture created by Bill Barminski, and the reason I chose this as my third example is that is is completely different to the other two examples. I didn't want to analysis similar designs with similar methods, each have individual style, technique and production that is acquired to complete and make these pieces of artwork individual and original. By using this mindset I would like to try ad incorporate as many styles, techniques and medias with my final illustration, without going over the top, all within the requirements of the brief/

The example I chose is a life sized spray can sculpture that are crafted from cardboard and a glue gun, decorated with stickers, labels and a plastic widget so they rattle when shaken. Obviously I can't replicate any features or elements from this to my illustration as the brief limits me to only using pencils but seeing how multiple ways to create art can change the perspective on the design, for example; this design has a much more physical approach being a sculpture compared to a visually stimulating illustration.

I really like design and essentially the house style of this artist, producing a wide range of spray can sculptures this artist has earned reputation and has allowed his work to be recognisable, this is something I aim for in my project work and well as my personal work.

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