Sunday 15 May 2016



This module was for the Air Max Day 2016; which required making a poster of 3D models and typefaces explaining or showing air max day; the software we used to create this was Cinema 4D. To start off, we were shown a list of posters that Nike released showing designs of trainers, using them as research and reference and choose 3 designs which appealed to me the most and then using each pair of trainers as a guide I created multiple ideas that were based around the 3 posters. Then developing the idea by picking font from DaFont and fracing over them altering them in my own way/style After a process of elimination I decided to use my strongest idea to take forward, creating my design based off the 'Brazil' poster, a green digital camouflage with a handful of bright colours to represent the amazon rainforest. Using Cinema 4D to create my 3D typeface, using the extrude to create the 3D elements and simple adding the created camouflage that was created using Photoshop and by applying a material it was very simple to add colour to the typeface.I then experimented with layout and the composition multiple times, altering the elements each time and getting a tutor to assess or comment on the work so that was a major help getting constant feedback  as it significantly improved my design. My final design included a plugin that I was showed by my tutor, it was great learning about plugins and how they work and I think it improved my design significantly. Once the typeface was complete I then experimented with the camera and what angle should the camera be looking at, trying to make use of the 3D space as much as possible. My final designs consisted of 2 pieces, the second was the first design I created during a class tutorial at the start of the project, both design consist and show different methods that were used to create 3D text in Cinema 4D. 
 I was very excited and confident with this project even though my skills with Cinema 4D weren't as good, I knew I would need a bit of assistance from my tutors when I had to add certain elements in Cinema 4D or when learning new skills and techniques.. What I would improve on is probably making sure don't get too driven by one project and try my best to focus on multiple projects as that was my main issue; being behind on my WBL project due to the time and effort I put in this air max design. 
Setting myself targets throughout this project is an excellent way to keep track of my progress and make sure I am not behind my set schedule and also that I am making sure all of my work is correct. Overall I enjoyed this project thoroughly and would like to use Cinema 4D more often in future projects as I had much fun with this one. I hit several challenges along the way but with the help of tutors and classmates I successfully managed to finish this project without much problems or complications. The skills that I have learned within  this project will help a lot in the next project using Cinema 4D, as well as using the software in personal work.

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