Friday 13 May 2016



During my visit to the Pictoplasma Festival I attended a screening where Julian Glander showed and talked about his work. Which is a selection of 3D gifs, animations and illustrations. He is one of my favourite animators simply because of his design and the ideas behind them, at the screening he talked about how he would decide to create something for the fun or it and not knowing exactly what to do with the finished product of how it came to the final design. I find this not only very interesting but inspiring to be able to randomly create a great animation or illustration by simply thinking of a theme/concept within my free time. 

He is most famous for his oddball, infinitely loopable and Claymation-inspired animated GIFs. Explaining how his designs and art style has developed over the years throughout conceptual and commercial work. Using the audience/ people of Instagram to chose the progress of a character he created was an excellent idea that allows a much deeper communication with the fans and the audience. His work has inspired me to use 3D models more often and to try and create 3D environments with simple shapes that can be multiplied, resized and misshapen.

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