Saturday 14 May 2016



When researching and finding out what for LCS offer to artists and illustrators, I was welcomes to their homepage where I saw this illustrator; Mark Reihill. Without even looking through multiple artist, I was immediately attracted to his style and work. The example of Reihill's work that I will analyse and deconstruct is his 'Civil War' illustration. What attracted my attention was all of his illustrations are based off well know shows, movies, games etc. The ones I liked the most is his rogue One, Civil War, Negan, X-Men Apocalypse and The Notorious; and what all of these have in common is that they have recently been in the news or hyped about on social media. I love how his illustrations aren't something only he knows or can relate to. Having such a wide range of themes and concepts that are frequent and popular is an excellent way to get your name across but also to sell your artwork.

I absolutely love his style, these digital paintings that consist of a mixture of custom brushes, gradients and the pen tool all collaborate to create this wonderful illustration. Outlining each element with a white border helps to separate the 3 characters as well as to illuminate them as the white constant with the colour background allowing them to essentially 'pop out'. His painting seems to be a perfect mixture of precision and rough, capturing so much detail within the images yet having brush strokes go out of line or look messy and rushed.

The second artist that has collaborated or is featured on Little Chimp Society's website is Jake Parker, after looking through his work I realised I recognised most of it, turns out I have been following him on Instagram for quite some time. What I love about this illustrator is his wide range of products he creates; from illustrations to fan art, graphic novels to book covers and logos. The example of Jake Parker's work that I will evaluate is this illustration;
There isn't a title of brief for this design, so i'm guessing this illustration was conceptual and not for commercial work. The reason I chose this is because it mostly reminded me of a game that I play a bit too much, Destiny. The illustration itself is really cool, the way the character the character is posing and his facial expression does reminds me of some graffiti style characters that I have seen. Usually I'm not a fan of cartoonish designs, sometimes I find them a bit plain but the abstract shape of the body and head change my perspective with this illustration. I think this was originally created traditionally with ink and then placed into digital software to then have the colour added, the reason for thinking this is because the tinwork is neat, there are uneven lines, some are messy which makes me believe it wouldn't have been done digitally due to the precision and how neat the lifework could be if it was created in Illustrator or Photoshop.

The last artist that is shown on The Little Chimp Society is Chris Hall; a freelance illustrator that uses both traditional and digital skills/methods within his work. I chose artists that produce different work from each theory, trying to broaden my horizon and knowledge and all these skills and methods of his to create and illustration whether its digital or traditional. Although I picked this artist to compare the the previous ones, I am not impressed as I was for the last 2, I just find that simple illustrations created digitally are more challenging to grab someones attention. Although I understand the concept and idea behind this piece; 'Get Outside And Play' I would most likely choose another illustration over this one, mainly because of the lack of detail and colour; although hat is the art style. But I personally prefer more details and line work.
This was defiantly created digitally, using only solid colour and gradients is a excellent combination, I think the house style is constant and the colour scheme is a great choice as they don't been together so it is obvious what each element is. Overall I have enjoyed learning about these artist and not only how they create their illustration but comparing them and seeing the difference between the skills and methods used within each design.

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