Sunday 27 March 2016



I started to look at Paul Jackson's work very early in this project, when I was still creating multiple ideas; his work was my source of inspiration when refining my lycanthropy themed idea. I found his work more relatable compared to other artists that used paint or media what wasn't allowed within the brief. What I like about his work would be the attention to detail and how even the smallest of elements are illustrated perfectly. Throughout his artwork he uses a mixture of rendering techniques; from dotwork, cross hatching to just using strokes. All of his artwork only consists of shades of black; this was the main reason I didn't want to use colour in my final illustration also because my confidence and skill of coloured illustrations aren't as good as grayscale.

These images became my main focus, inspiration and reference material once I created an idea that I wanted to refine and develop, my designs heavily involved animals and their own skulls so using how he represents the two elements was a huge help as I found myself stuck and confused throughout the beginning of this project.

Involving gore and the anatomy was an idea that I thought of with the help of my tutor; this would be a excellent way to piece the two different elements together, the skull and the head. My only problem was to think of a successful way to use the gore part; with my style being mainly comic art it wasn't hard to come up with a rough sketch of a wolf covered in gore, my only concern was should the illustrations be realistic or in the style of comic art? This question is still a major concern therefore i'm trying out multiple ways to show both styles within the same illustration.

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