Sunday 6 March 2016




The first example of work created by Punga is an animation that was created for Fox Retro, very similar to another animation that I researched that was created for Fox Retro, they both seems to consist of the same house style and concept. This specific animation that Punga created is called 'Spaziaiii!' I am not sure what the animation is about, it doesn't tell your anything or explain what is being shown, they show astronauts playing games throughout space, with rockets, spaceships and racing. The animation itself looks wellmultiplel like their is not meaning and how it related to Fox Retro at all. I'm quite disappointed as I have no idea why or what the animation was trying to show.  Breaking down the production methods I'd say each individual element was created traditionally and then development into 3D model, using software such as Cinema 4D. The use of typography throughout the animation is great, it's bold, bright and readable. By creating an atmosphere and using lighting to create highlight and shadows really add extra detail to the models, it creates a more realistic feel with the environment changing constantly.

The second example of Punga'a work is an animation that was created for promote and advertise the British Red Cross, the animation shows multiple cartoon like bacteria having fun with hearts and organs, using them as slides, trampolines essentially making it humorous. The message that it is getting across is that don't waste your organs, donate them so they are able to be used properly to save lives instead of letting bacteria use them. The subject itself is quite touchy and could be personal to a lot of the audience by essentially making a funny animation about organ donation but this animation has done a great job to be punctual and state that the Red Cross are looking for organ donations but by making the advertisement joyful and funny.

The art style of the animation is very cartoon like with 3D models, I think a big aspect of the style is the artwork and models are using cel-shading to create that cartoon like appearance.  The colours consist of having the main elements such as the organs to b a bright pink colour while having the background  dull pastel like tone to contrast and almost illuminate the importance of the lungs, heart and other organs that are shown throughout this animation.

The final example of Punga's work is an animation called 'Criminal Minds' and is an animation that was created for Fox Crime to promote and advertise a TV programme that is being shown on the Fox channel. This animation is really interesting as the style is based around a subject that I am very interested in, inkblot and the Rorschach test. The animation shows images creates by ink to tell a message about the programme its advertising. The artwork is very impressive but I think that the camera angles, the background noise and static effects create the suspense and atmosphere throughout. The camera uses very sudden movements and jumps to different angles. Changing the ace throughout and creating a effect of unstableness with the help of the static effect it works well with the black and red ink that contrast against each other to highlight different elements of the illustrations.

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