Wednesday 2 March 2016



Pepper Melon

The first example of Pepper Melons work is called 'Skiing Fred' unlike the previos animations i have looked at, this one has a purpose and is used to advertise a iOS game created by Dedalord Games called Extravaganza. I really enjoyed watching this animation because of the humour and the aesthetics. I am very interested to find out how this is created alongside the breakdown and process of each element. The animation itself is about a boy that is hiking in the snowy mountains then is suddenly approached by death and his only option is to stupidly jump down the mountain. 

The style of this animation is very cartoon like, although the environment and background look realistic but not too much that it distracts and doesn't blend with the characters, their seems to be multiple styles of artwork throughout, with he environment, the characters and the hand of god which looks like a still image placed into an animation along with 3D elements. 

The second animation created by Pepper Melon is called 'Drug Free America' was created to help promote and advertise a partnership for a drug free America, this animation was created as a commercial for TV. The reason I chose the animation is because of the sudden changes in mood, pace and atmosphere. The animation creates suspense by showing a wolf staring and taunting at two little defenseless sheep, cutting back and forth between the wolf and sheep, you expect the wolf to act when one of the sheep instantly eats the other. "Showing that everything is not what is seems and that your foes are closer than you think."

I think this 3D animation has been created with either Cinema 4D or Houdini, with the elements being created separately like the characters, then background and then placed together with the sound and lighting. I also enjoy the humour in the animation, even though the concept ad story is quite a serious matter the animation is well made and is visually stimulating.
The last animation created by Pepper Melon is called 'Retro Classifica' it is about promoting a new station or radio that is based on the songs from the 80's, Pepper Melon have created a sequence of theses illustrations, all the same theme ands style but each have a difference 80's song that the characters dance to. I chose the animation that was based on dirty dancing.

The whole style of the animations are astronauts from the near distant future find old retro 80's music players and records that are rusty and withered, then they play the chosen song and dance to it, I think this is an excellent way to represent the new music station, the 3D aspects and elements are detailed and the animating is great, the movement of the characters are executed very well.

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