Wednesday 19 April 2017



This evaluation takes place after receiving my formative grade for this project, personally I am disappointed in the grade I was given, I believe that the assessment of not only this but previous projects are very harsh and are marked on the tutor's standard and not the brief/college standard. I actually enjoyed researching and learning about this essay and due to the chosen theme which was the evolution of comics within the past 10 years, there were no local primary sources, like books and magazines that I could use that explains my theory, so I strongly disagree with the reasoning why I was given a poor grade. I think that because how specific my chosen topic was you would have to understand that secondary (internet) sources are essentially primary sources for this topic as I used a selection of quotes and information from conferences and interviews, all of which are shared across the internet and not in books. 

Negative views aside, I actually enjoyed this project, especially the research part and learning new facts about a topic that I am very interested in. Personally I would like to produce another piece of work based on the theme of comic books and graphic novels. Due to the essay having a strict word count of 10% above or under 2500 words, I would of added more detail within the different sections adn spent more time connecting them together and creating a nice flow between different sections of the essay. If the time spent on this was extended as well as the word count I would try to find convention newsletters or subscription books that may possibly show quotes based on comics or explaining a situation about comic-books.

Overall as a whole project, I enjoyed writing this essay and learning the information that was placed into it, although I disagree with my grade I do believe I could of improved the essay if the terms adn requirements of the project weren't as strict and specific. 

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